Why Good Logos Matter
A logo should be treated like the birthmark of a company. A birthmark is embedded into the DNA of a brand or company. Like a birthmark, a logo should be a physical mark that uniquely represents who the company or brand is on the outside. These marks help make a good first impression. Companies might forego the process of designing a logo with a designer due to budget or lack of knowledge. However, companies should reconsider for these reasons.
A good mark makes a good first impression.
A good logo grabs people’s attention.
Helps people remember the brand.
People make associations with a good logo. For example, people associate a check swoosh with Nike or thick retro cursive writing with Coca-Cola.
It should be able to standalone.
Creates a foundation of the brand identity.
A logo is the vehicle that helps a brand appear in places visually.
Helps a brand stand out from other competitors.
It should work at all sizes from a tiny business card to a billboard.
A good logo creates marketing opportunities.
A logo communicates who the brand is.
Overall, first impressions matter and in most cases, that’s all you get. Because of this, a logo is a critical part of the brand and might be the first thing people see when shaping people’s impression of who the brand is to them. The logo creates an experience that leaves a memory. It could help or hurt a business. That’s why a business should consider working with a designer who understands the process in designing a memorable identity for the brand.
All that to say, don’t use clipart or Paint.